Thursday, September 15, 2005

Baby Britney

Just a quick post today, as I'm contemplating wasting a ton of energy blasting the fools who think we should rebuild that swamp city in Louisiana or doing nothing.

News flash to the news media about the birth of Britney Spears' baby:





Seriously, why is this shit news? We have 1,000,000 displaced poor folks from New Orleans looking to rebuild their lives, another hurricane hitting us and about ten million other important newsworthy events going on in the world (some parents are losing their sonds and daughters over in Iraq fighting in a war we shouldn't be fighting, in case you haven't been paying attention) and this bullshit "news" is the headline everywhere we look. Leave this crap to the talking bobbleheads on ET or E! If you wonder why you in the news media aren't taken very seriously, this is a good time to reflect on that.


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